But since I also work with jewelry... I figured I might post some rings that I've made!
This is the first ring I made for my crafts classe.
I think the stone is a horse canyon agate.
I love that it looks like fungi. :)
Second ringaling.
I don't recall what kind of stone it is though.
I was actually planning on making a different kind of ring with that band,
but it got messed up. And luckily the stone salvaged the whole thing!
I actually just finished making this little one last night!
You can't see too well in this picture, but the bezel setting on this one is the cleanest yet!
I'm really proud of how she came out.
I'm going to give this one to my sister as a nifty gifty!
I've also been working on some papercut christmas cards!
Because I adore the holidays!
So here's a sneaksie peak!